Saturday, November 19, 2011

Vocabulary Chapter 3


Great gap between
required demands
of 88, 500 words
to spoken words 
of no more than 7,000.

Students acquire many
words from
reading independently
shared readings
and read-alouds. 

Lack of vocabulary
leads to a STRUGGLE
in ALL content area classes.
Also, has great impact
on reading comprehension. 

In the past 
was not its own.
It was intertwined
Word recognition

Teach words in isolation,
maybe not
Teach words using text 
a hodgepodge
therefore not so much.

Word Schema
or knowing a word
More than just a 
single definition. 
Understanding the context, 
 and morphology
to hypothesize the meaning.

Concepts or Labels? 
much more important to teach
than labels. 

a one size fits all approach.
Assess all students 
to find the instructional level. 
Vocabulary Self-Awareness
is a good way to see 
who knows what in the class. 

vocabulary instruction
seek to integrate varied methods. 
Four principles 
of successful  instruction
as seen by Blachowicz and Fisher. 

One- Be actively involved in word learning
Two- make personal connections
Three- be immersed in vocabulary
Four- consolidate meaning through multiple sources. 

and technical. 

Strategies there are many
In all subjects you see. 

From word walls,
Personal dictionaries,
Analyzing words
Learning multiple meanings 
Noticing slight differences in meaning
and learning vocabulary as 
Part of Speech 
in English. 

To Social Studies 
where one might see
semantic feature analysis
and movement in role-play. 

Technical vocabulary
of Mathematics
using a sequence of 
“introduce,” “define,” “discuss,” and “apply” 
using journals 
to develop vocabulary specific to 
geometry or other content area. 

Word sorts, 
are great for 
developing vocabulary
in science. 

Repetition can 
be used in elective classes
such as music.
Visual representation 
is yet another way. 

These strategies
can be used in ALL 
content areas
to improve vocabulary. 

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